Each country is famous for the diversity of its culture. Today we offer to get acquainted with the traditions of London.
On November 5, the streets of London are crowded, many children ask passers-by to give them coins “For Guy”. Money is needed to buy firecrackers and fireworks. One favorite ancient tradition of the locals is Guy Fawkes Night. The tradition is dedicated to the event when a group of Catholic conspirators wanted to set fire to and blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605, but the plans failed. At the celebration, it is customary to burn fires and launch fireworks as a symbol of the burning of Guy Fawkes. Actors show performances on the streets of the city, stage the arrest of intruders. Every year on this day, the guards of the current Parliament building conduct a traditional ritual of searching the premises in order to detect arsonists. In the evening, a costume parade is held in ancient costumes with firecrackers, torches and an effigy of the leader Guy. At the end of the day – a large-scale fire near the Parliament building and a big fireworks display.

A series of interesting customs developed around St. Patrick’s Day. March 17 is a holiday in the country, it is celebrated in honor of the patron saint of Ireland. According to legend, Patrick brought Christianity to the lands of Ireland and expelled snakes from the island. On this day, the streets of London are decorated with green shamrocks, residents dress up in bright green outfits. It is considered an obligatory tradition to drain the clover or, in other words, to drink a glass of Patrick. You need to put a clover leaf on the bottom of the glass and drink a glass of ale or whiskey. After that, the clover must be thrown over the left shoulder for good luck. Celebrations in London are held in Trafalgar Square.
One of the modern traditions is considered to be the celebration of the Chinese New Year in London. The date of the celebration is variable, January-February, it corresponds to the lunar calendar. The cultural program consists of a costumed procession-parade, musical concerts and performances, dances, fireworks.