Prospects for the specialty Entrepreneurship and trade

In the modern world, entrepreneurial activity is the most popular area of work among young people. The specialty opens up prospects for organizing and running a successful business, both for your own and for an employee in employment. So, for example, the specialty of commercial entrepreneurship is included in the list of the most demanded professions in the world.

During the training period, students receive knowledge in various specialized disciplines, including: management and marketing, economic theory, political economy, enterprise economics, statistics, accounting, labor relations, innovative entrepreneurship. During the training, much attention is paid not only to the theoretical part, but also to the practical orientation. Educational institutions organize on-site classes, meetings with practitioners who have tools and methods in the field of management and expert consulting.

The knowledge gained during the training makes it possible to understand the meaning of a market economy, the systematic functioning and development of the economy of different countries, the methods and ways of using limited economic opportunities. You can easily conduct research, assess achievements and risks in the business field, make effective management decisions and be responsible for them. The acquired skills will help predict changes in the factors of the financial development of the object.

Obtaining an education in the specialty of commercial entrepreneurship gives the right to hold a wide range of positions: sales manager, sales representative, retail specialist, merchandiser, head of marketing department, financial operations dealer, financial operations broker, specialist in the department for studying demand and market conditions, trade market analyst , market expansion specialist, economist (including in international companies), head of departments in commercial services. There will always be vacancies in the labor market for a specialist who solves problems in entrepreneurial, trading and exchange activities in the field of management and administration.

After graduation, graduates will have sufficient knowledge and skills for the organizational and economic innovations of entrepreneurship that will allow them to compete in the business field.